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Bitmap raster layer with *.geo text file

I have a bitmap image with a text file associated with it. It is used in another mapping software application. The text file has the following format:

4733.486124 // xsf
4114.245291 // ysf
-97.428000 // Longitude Of Origin
37.670000 // First Std Parallel
37.630000 // Second Std Parallel
37.650000 // Latitude Of Origin
497419.863171 // easting at Origin
498002.261971 // northing at Origin

Can this be converted to something that Mapsuite can use?
If so, how? Could this be converted to a *.tif with a *.prj file? Any help would be appreciated.

Hi John,

This file should be a world file, you can learn more detail about it here:

It’s used to tell map where to put the image on map, it don’t contains projection information.

Our map cannot convert the image and the world file into tif and projection file.

If your target is render image on map, you don’t need convert it, both bitmap and tiff can be rendered by our map.



Thanks for the info, but I don’t believe that the text file conforms to the World file format.
I does appear to have some of the same information, but according to the Wikipedia link, there should only be 6 coefficents. Correct me if I am wrong, but If I can create a valid World file for my bitmap, I believe that I should be able to use the NativeImageRasterLayer to create an overlay of this image.

Hi John,

Yes you’re right, it looks your lines cannot match the world file.

4733.486124 // xsf
4114.245291 // ysf
-97.428000 // Longitude Of Origin
37.670000 // First Std Parallel
37.630000 // Second Std Parallel
37.650000 // Latitude Of Origin
497419.863171 // easting at Origin
498002.261971 // northing at Origin

40075.016685578 //A: pixel size in the x-direction in map units/pixel
0.0 //D: rotation about y-axis
0.0 //B: rotation about x-axis
-40075.016685578 //E: pixel size in the y-direction in map units, almost always negative[3]
-20017470.83445 //C: x-coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel
21302087.12831 //F: y-coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel

I cannot make sure I understand your lines correct, but I think you can try to build a world file based on your lines like this:

Use xsf equal A, use ysf equal E, set D and B to 0.0, use “easting at Origin” and “northing at Origin” equal C and F.

In fact I think the “easting at Origin” and “northing at Origin” is the calculate result just like wiki shows, so you can try to convert projection of the Longitude and Latitude Of Origin from 4326 to 3857 and try again if the first try don’t get correct result.

And render a base map you can compare to see whether the image is placed in correct position.

Wish that’s helpful.

