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HiglightOverlay inactive when click a button out of map


When i click a button out of the map, higlightoverlay does not work. When i analyze the page with debugger, i realized that z-index changes. When i change the z-index with debugger highlightoverlay works. How can i solve this issue permanently. Thanks

Hi Fatih,

Sorry I can’t get more information from the descriptions. I guess it may be caused by the index. Please try putting the highlightoverlay to the end of the layeroverlay collection or the highlight layer to the end of the overlay.layers collection. The code maybe like below:






Something misunderstood here please let us know.


Hello Peter,

Thanks for your attention.

I add my features to highlightoverlay of map as below;

Map.HighlightOverlay.Add(MyFeatures) …

Then, when i clicked to a button which is out of the map div and hover to the features in highlightoverlay, features is not highlighted. When i hold to left click inside map and chance the span. highlighted features become active.

The true scenario is, when i hover to any feature without holding left click, my features in highlightoverlay must be highlighted.

Hi Fatih,

It works well with our “HowDoISample” which can be downloaded from Product Center(Please see the screenshot below) or please view the online sample:

If it still does not work, please tell me which edition is used in the application and the concrete version referenced.
