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MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer loading performance improvement

I have a scenario, to load 3 shape files(~130MB). I used ShapeFileFeatureLayer, it’s taking ~11 seconds to render it.
Same thing, I applied in MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer, it’s taking ~13 seconds to render it.
But I want to render it in less time (<5 seconds).

I am using VS2010(4.0) with Thinkgeo V9.0.0.1106.

How Can I Improve performance for loading shape files.

Here I am attaching my sample application for your consideration. (4.5 KB)

Note : For upload limitation of size, I can’t share m shape files.


Hi Riyaz,

ShapeFileFeatureLayer is more stable than MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer.

I viewed your code, you load that slow should because some possible reason:

  1. Reproject from 4326 to 54004 takes some time.

  2. Too many shapes in your layer and you load them in same extent

  3. The index don’t works well.

So I suggest you do something to increase the performance:

  1. Open cache for overlay

  2. Rebuild index file to make sure it’s correct

  3. Change your render logic, make sure each zoomlevel don’t have so many shapes to be rendered. If too many shapes is rendered, the speed cannot be fast.

  4. If possible, sent your shape file to us, we can see whether your data have some problem.



Hi Ethan,
Have a doubt, If we apply render logic basing on zoomlevel, then TileCache will be perfectly work or not.


Hi Riyaz,

If you don’t change the render logic based on zoomlevel after cache generated, the cache will works.

If you always change the style, cache only shows the saved result, it means your change won’t be rendered on map, it still render the first time style you saved into cache.

