I’m trying to support a web farm, and it’s my understanding that you require a session state other than InProc for your map to work correctly. The problem is, that if i go to a server that isn’t in a web farm and simply change the sessionstate (I’ve tried both SQL (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/317604/how-to-configure-sql-server-to-store-asp-net-session-state) and Redis ( https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider/ ) and both perform in the same way, incredibly slow. if i switch back to InProc, speeds right up, switch back it’s slow again.
All of the slowness is in loading the tile_GeoResource.axd files. When i say slow, i mean that this page that normally takes a few seconds to load can take up to 2 minutes instead.
Is this something you guys have seen before, or have guidelines on how to configure your session state servers?