To draw lines different linedashstyles are avalialble like dash, dash dot dot, dot etc. Is it possible to apply different options as below
1) Can I increase space between dash and dot?
2) Can I increase line lenth?
Thanks & Regards,
Line style
Hi Goral,
Yes, we support this. GeoPen has a property named DashPattern can help you out. If set the LineDashStyle to Custom, the first element sets the length of a dash, the second element sets the length of a space, the third element sets the length of another dash, and so on, by circle drawing. Please check below code out and have a try.
LineStyle customDashLineStyle = LineStyles.CreateSimpleLineStyle(GeoColor.StandardColors.Green, 2, LineDashStyle.Custom, true);
shpLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultLineStyle = customDashLineStyle;
shpLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20;
Above codes show a dash dot style to you. We can customize them by your requirement.
a) Set the second and the fourth element bigger to increase space between dash and dot.
b) Set the first element bigger to Increase line length.
Any question please feel free to let us know.