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V10 - MrSidRasterLayer & Jpeg2000RasterLayer - Exceptions

hi Ethan,

On Monday November 27th I had a call with my sales representative and Ben to discuss this issue. Ben was able to install the beta releases on my development machine and was able to get both MrSid and JPEG2000 rasters working.

Below is a screen capture of the installed NuGet Packages.


Hi Dennis,

Thanks for you update.

So it looks this is a cached package problem, it’s helpful if next time we met the same problem.



hi Ethan,

Do you have an idea when these changes will be available in a release build?


Hi Dennis,

We just build a minor release this month, the next release will be in about 2 months.

But it looks this month we found some problem from your posts, maybe we can build a special release version for you, but I will check this with our release manager, and please make sure all your problem had been fixed in the latest version of pre-release version. Because if you found other problem after the release, it need to wait our next minor release.



hi Ethan,

I will do some more testing to make sure I don’t notice any other issues.


Hi Dennis,

Any question please let us know.



Hello Ethan,

This problem never really went away, it was just that I was too busy with other issues to follow-up. I have updated to all the latest MapSuite Packages and have copied the DLL’s fromMapSuiteDependency-MicrosoftVisualCRunTime100.10.2.1.

I do have some more information on the problem. My MrSid is contained within its own LayerOverlay and caching is set for the overlay. When caching is enabled I get this crash. When caching is disabled I do not get this crash.

When caching is enabled it appears to encounter this crash when it has to create a new cache file. If the extent to which I move to has already been cached then this crash does not happen. The funny thing is even though it crashes it does seem to create the new cache file. Because after a restart of the application I can then go to that area and it does not crash, but if I pan away from that area then it crashes again.

What I have noticed while running in Visual Studio Debug Mode is that even though caching is disabled the application will still crash most often when the application is initially starting. But if it does not crash then a pan will cause this crash to happen.

Below are the properties of the LayerOverlay.


LockLayerMode = Lock
DrawingQuality = HighQuality
TileBuffer = 0
TileWidth = 1680
TileHeight = 1050
TileType = MultipleTile
TileTransitionEffect = Stretch
CacheTiles = true
CacheTileAccessMode = ReadAddDelete
CacheTileImageFormat = png

Hi Dennis,

Just like our original test, this issue cannot be reproduced in our end.

If that’s an environment issue, it should be very hard to find what’s the actually reason. So could you please try to test the sample in one of your other machine, and see whether it can be reproduced, we also will do the same works, and we can compare the result and try to find what’s the really problem.

