Dear ThinkGeo Team,
I have an inquiry about drawing Arc from SQL Server data:
I need to draw an Arc from data persisted in SQL Server database, The data is not laid out straight forward which means, I understand to draw an Arc I need three points as follow:
o Start point
o Mid-point on the Arc
o End point
The provided data into the database is as follow:
o Start point
o Circle centre point
o Radius
o End point
I am using currently SqlGeographyBuilder class, Shape I have chosen is “OpenGisGeographyType.CircularString” and the function to draw the Arc is AddCircularArc.
• I have seen on the online forums implementation of “CurvedLineShape” class under this post: Draw curve/arc (it does not help me much to achieve the result I need to achieve)
• The data persisted in the database is well organised and trusted, one more piece of information I have got in the data is arc information is Clockwise or Anti-clockwise.
Would you please direct me to what can I do to calculate the “Mid-point” on the Arc from circle centre point and radius. Or it might be another path to solve the problem away from the SqlGeographyBuilder/SqlGeometryBuilder classes.
Thank You,