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Line Measure and Area Calculation Tools

I would like to add tool buttons to allow the user to measure distances and calculate areas. MVC had simple functions like Map.setMeasureMode(‘PathMeasure’) and Map.setMeasureMode(‘PloygonMeasure’). After the user draws a line/polygon the distance/area would appear. Is there a way to do this with WebAPI, I went through the WebAPI code samples but they are not what I want.

Hi Chad,

WebAPI edition in fact is a server side edition, it don’t contains client side functions.

If you found the Web or MVC edition support this function, I think you can view the page source and look into how it implemented by JavaScript, or try to implement that by your client side JavaScript library.

If you found that’s not easy to implement you can also contact your sales, we provide professional service for custom functions.

