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Support for Nokia Here

Is there any built-in support for Nokia Here (planned)?

They provide a REST API with tiles. So it should be similar to the Google Maps Static Image API:

If nothing built-in is planned, what would be the best approach for a custom implementation?

Hi Andreas,

Till 9.0 we don’t have a plan to build a special class for HERE map.

If you want to implement that, I think there are 3 solution:

  1. Choose one existing map which use the same projection with HERE, then override it’s sendingRequest event, use your custom code to modify the request link in this event.

  2. Build your custom layer inherit from layer like WMSRasterLayer, I think you can find many related topic in our forum, and if you met any detail tech problem please ask us here.

  3. You can contact your sales, try to get a professional service about your requirement.

And I will let our developer know your requirement, I think they can do further research about HERE and see whether to build special layer for it in future version.



Using an OpenStreetMapLayer works fine with that modifications:

    private void Overlay_SendingWebRequest(object sender, SendingWebRequestEventArgs e)
        UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder(e.WebRequest.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri);
        uri.Scheme = "https";

        NameValueCollection queryString = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);

        uri.Host = "";
        uri.Path = "/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/" + uri.Path.Replace(".png", "/256/png8") ;
        uri.Query = "app_id=XXXX&app_code=YYYY";

        e.WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(uri.ToString().Replace(":80", ""));                        

Hi Andreas,

Very glad to hear it works.
