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Use new google styles in ThinkGeo


The new google styles are great in the latest google api see
How would I go about changing the style of a google layer?


Hi James,

Are you sure this the official website for GoogleMap? It looks the domain name is a little strange.

And our tiles is comes from Google’s static library or Javascript library, they are rendered in Google’s end and we can only get the tile image. If Google update their style into their library, we can get them after that.



Hi Don, thanks for this.
The website is from google but it’s a site that allows you to play with their styles. It was a link from

You can stick the style info on the end of your static map request or you can add the style JSON to the map if you were using google’s map renderer. It changes the request and the tile image you get back from google is styled as requested. I was wondering if thinkgeo had this built in or there was a known way of getting it done?


Hi James,

I think we don’t have build in, but I think we should have a workaround for implement it if add information after request can make it works.

If you are using GoogleMapsLayer, you can modify the sendingrequest like this: googleMapsLayer.SendingWebRequest += googleMapsLayer_SendingWebRequest; And you can add the information for each request.

If you are using GoogleMapsOverlay, you need to try implement that by JavaScript code.

