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ThinkGeo UI for Desktop   WPF

Topic Replies Activity
Unhandled Excpetion From WpfDesktopEdition 9 March 25, 2014
WpfMap (Track)InteractiveOverlay slowdown 6 March 24, 2014
GoogleMapsLayer error 403 4 March 13, 2014
Get Shape instead of feature Nearest To user's click 2 March 13, 2014
Need help with snapping 14 March 6, 2014
Map loading very slow after zoomlevel 9 4 March 4, 2014
Error cacheRaster 2 March 3, 2014
Cache Generator Crash 5 February 25, 2014
MapResizeMode and Refresh Activity 6 February 24, 2014
Set backcolor for labels on map by textstyle 4 February 24, 2014
How do I assign colors to each shape 4 February 23, 2014
Find percent along the line? 4 February 23, 2014
Resize legend to fit the longest legend item 21 February 19, 2014
Custom Linestyle 2 February 18, 2014
Change order of print layers 6 February 17, 2014
S57 Attribute Data 6 February 17, 2014
Export to JPEG 9 February 13, 2014
Change Page Size 4 February 13, 2014
Draw text 2 February 11, 2014
Tilecache image resolution 8 February 8, 2014
Detect RingShape to MouseClick position 12 February 5, 2014
Function with parameter and layer MssqlFeatureLayer 2 January 31, 2014
.tab file styles 4 January 29, 2014
Create shape file from _mapControl.TrackOverlay.TrackShapeLayer 6 January 29, 2014
Using SQL Server 2012 2 January 28, 2014
Apply Colors and Shapes to points 5 January 28, 2014
"Read and write not equal!" Exception 8 January 23, 2014
GetClosestPointTo is not acting right 10 January 23, 2014
How can I Add a wmts layer? 6 January 21, 2014
You are trying to use both a default style and the custom styles collection. You may only use one or the other 7 January 19, 2014