Dear Sir,
I want a line move a vertex to another vertex take some time .A Line increase according to value and time as given below.
1. (a)__ (b)
2. (a)____ (b)
3. (a)______ (b)
4. (a)____________ (b)
5. (a)_________________(b)
Please give me a solution.
Harish Upadhyay
A Line Move a vertex to another vertex
Hi Harish,
Sorry to say I think I am a bit of confusions on your scenario, would you please let me know what’s the means of (a) and (b)? does they are the two vertexes for the line and are they fixed?
Based on my understanding, it will draw a new line whose start point is always at (a) point each time and as time goes on, the line increase with a value towards to the (b) point, does it correct? If yes, I think the key is to calculate the endpoint for the new line and it should be not complex to get it. After we get the new line, then, we insert this line as a feature into an inmemory featureLayer. Then, we start a timer or thread and in each trigger events, we: (1)delete the original line feature in the layer (2) add the new line which is get with above ways into the layer. (3) refresh this layer.
Any question please feel free to let us know.