Sorry that I didn't represent my word clearly.
1, the cache can be used in AppHarbor server, we can convert the relative path to physical path by the following ways.
Map1.StaticOverlay.ServerCache = new ServerCache(MapPath("[VirtualPath]"));
Map1.StaticOverlay.ServerCache = new ServerCache(Page.MapPath("[VirtualPath]"));
Map1.StaticOverlay.ServerCache = new ServerCache(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "[VirtualPath]");
With this ways, the app dynamically saves the caches into the disk and loads them back. If you want to clean them, just delete the cache directory you indicated. The conversions above are still available.
2, I still have a problem loading a shapefile. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. You know after compiling, the shapefile might not transfer to the publish server, I cannot find it anymore when I run the application. It's different from the first case. I will write to the company and see if they have any suggestions.
So my point is that cache is not the point prevent you from transferring your application to AppHarbor while finding a specific shapefile is as I tested. Just let you know when they have a feedback.