Targeted functionality: I would like to add a control to the edit overlay canvas on mouse up after moving a point on the map. The user should be able to click 1 of 2 buttons to either save or cancel the move.
Problem: I can get my usercontrol to appear on the edit overlay canvas. However, the buttons on the user control are not clickable and I cant seem to figure out what is stealing the click event and not allowing the click to get to the buttons.
Here is the code that adds to the edit overlay:
Private Sub InitializeSaveCancelDialog()
SaveCancelDialog = New SaveOrCancelBox()
SaveCancelDialog.Name = "SaveCancelDialog"
End Sub
End Region
Region "Event Handlers"
Private Sub EditOverlayMapMouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MapMouseUpInteractiveOverlayEventArgs)
If SaveCancelDialog Is Nothing Then InitializeSaveCancelDialog()
If Not SaveCancelDialog.IsDescendantOf(RoverMapProperties._CurrentMapInstance.EditOverlay.OverlayCanvas) Then
Canvas.SetLeft(SaveCancelDialog, e.InteractionArguments.ScreenX + 5)
Canvas.SetTop(SaveCancelDialog, e.InteractionArguments.ScreenY)
Canvas.SetZIndex(SaveCancelDialog, 999999999)
Canvas.SetLeft(SaveCancelDialog, e.InteractionArguments.ScreenX + 5)
Canvas.SetTop(SaveCancelDialog, e.InteractionArguments.ScreenY)
Canvas.SetZIndex(SaveCancelDialog, 9999999)
End If
End Sub
Thanks for any help!