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AdornmentOverlay prevent from mouse events propagation

This topic also refer to the fact that when we use AdornmentOverlay, events like right click (context menu for a marker) over a marker won’t fire. nor you can close a popup shown over map layers.
As a work around it suggested to use pointer-events: none; for .olControlAttribution css class.
It also mentioned that it won’t work for IE (although i find this article for taking care of this, but i haven’t read it yet :grin: ).

  1. Is there any progress on this issue after 1-2 years, so i can use?
  2. should I change the css on the fly? Or IsDefaultJavascriptLibraryDisabled(false) should be applied first, and then change the corresponding css from residented css file?

Hi Reza,

If you still met this problem, that means this behavior still hadn’t get changed, and I think you can try whether the workaround works now.

The IsDefaultJavascriptLibraryDisabled should only works for the JS library, if you don’t want to load some of our JS library you can set it equal true and manual reference the other ones. I think that’s not related with css, but I still suggest you modify the css after load succeed, you can try our JS event like OnMapCreated etc.

