I have shape file which is having one area layer. I want to split that area into two areas, where as we can union multiple features into single by using AreaBaseShape.Union().
Any way to split one feature into multiple using thinkgeo wpf
Hi satishchandra_noogur,
If your area is MultipolygonShape type, you can split them by multipolygonShape.Polygons.
If it’s only a polygon, we don’t have an API to split it, because the map don’t know how to split it.
But we have an open source project named GisEditor: https://github.com/ThinkGeo/MapSuiteGisEditor
It contains the split function, you can refer it.
Thank you, I found solution i.e., areabaseshape.split() method.
Thanks for your share, it split an area by the other feature, you can try to pass in a line shape as the 2nd parameter.