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ArcGISServerRestLayer Holding Up the Program When Loading


We are using ArcGISServerRestLayer to get data from NOAA’s nowCoast layers. Some of the layers involve a good bit of data, and the nowCoast servers aren’t always the fastest. What we see happening is our program freezes while the call to the server is made, and the user can’t do anything but wait for the data to download and show.

How can we get this data load to happen in the background, so that the user can still use the program during some of these longer data loads?


Hi Dib,

I think you can set this property like this: winformsMap1.ThreadingMode = MapThreadingMode.Multithreaded;

It won’t freezes the application when the layer wait response from remote server, but you still cannot go on zoom or pan in this progress.

Wish that’s helpful.

