I have been looking for a straight forward way to create a TabFeatureLayer. Till now the best option I have found is:
TabFeatureLayer.CreateTabFile(fileName, path, New List(Of Feature))
Where the "new List(of Feature)" is an empty list. However, if after this call I issue a:TabFeatureLayer.BuildIndexFile(<fileName>);
I am getting an exception regarding "Not supported TAB text format" (or something like this).
I assume that since the List<feature> is empty the Tab factory "assumes" that
this is a featureless layer(!). Of course this is not the case and I am questioning
as to what is the best way to start a new Tab layer when you have no features at
hand. Something like the equivalent of: ShapeFileFeatureLayer.CreateShapeFile(ShapeFileType.Polygon, <fileName>, <ShpDataBaseColumns>);
would have been more appropriate.
And a final point, in one of the previous chats we had established that when dealing with
ShapeFiles, if you want to get One feature based on its Column value, you should go through
the GeoDbf class to access the DBF file etc etc etc, otherwise the default FeatureSource
method is loading the layer into the memory with disastrous results if the file is big.
What is the equivalent for Tab files? Or does the GetFeaturesByColumnValue works correctly
in this implementation?
Kind Regards Yiannis </feature>