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Bing Maps and Keys (Azure Maps)

Looks like Bing maps has rolled over to Azure Maps and that is where you get subscription keys from. You can’t get keys from the links the demo app has.

Before I sign up with “Azure”, does the BingMapsLayer use any keys etc from Azure maps, or does there need to be a new AzureMapsLayer created in ThinkGeo?


Hi Chris,

Azure Maps is not supported through BingMapsLayer. I’ve added to the list and we will add the AzureMapsLayer.

And just for your reference, Azure Maps serves raster maps through Static Image (based on CenterPoint) instead of XYZ which is what BingMaps is using, Also Azure Maps supports Vector Tiles which BingMaps doesn’t support. We will dig in a bit more but I think we will support the raster images first.


Thanks for the heads up,

Saves me a nasty trip down that Rabbit Hole for now.


Any news on Azure Maps support?

Hi Mustafa, we are aiming for having it by next major release v14.3, around May this year.