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Bing Maps and Limit Zoom

Hi ThinkGeo,

We were looking to limit the amount of levels are user would be able to zoom in and out too. We have seen several places where loading in custom levels works such as ZoomLevelsLessThan20 issue. This process worked for us when we are not applying Bing maps. When we use Bing Maps with the BingMapsOverlay the custom zoom levels don’t work. We have noticed forum posts like this Trouble modifying zoom levels. The work around looks like a possiblity but we would prefer an alternative to this method. Is there any other way to prevent the zooming in and out to certain levels other than custom levels?

Thank you,

Hi Neil,

I think the custom zoomlevel is the best solution, because for BingOverlay or GoogleOverlay, the limit is not allowed by the provider.

So you can choose BingMapslayer and GoogleMapsLayer instead of them and the custom zoomlevel should works.

