I just upgraded to version 6 from 5.0 and have a problem with my Bing overlay where the logo is displayed on every tile.
In V5.0 I set the LogoMode = BingMapsLogoMode.NoLogo to remove the logo.
The LogoMode property has been declare obselete in V6, is there another way of hiding the logo or alternatively showing just a single instance of the logo?
Here is the code I'm using to create the Bing overlay:
BingMapsLayer bingLayer = new BingMapsLayer("MAPKEY", bingMapType);
bingLayer.LogoMode = BingMapsLogoMode.NoLogo;
LayerOverlay bingOverlay = new LayerOverlay("Bing Map");
bingOverlay.TileType = TileType.MultipleTile;
bingOverlay.WebImageFormat = WebImageFormat.Jpeg;
bingOverlay.JpegQuality = mapQuality;
Thanks, Simon