I am getting an error when trying to run BingMapsMapType of BirdsEye.
"The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request"
Is that type unavailable? I am able to use Aerial successfully.
Birds Eye with BingMapsLayer
Hi Jake,
Sorry for that the BirdsEye and BirdseyeWithLabels are not available now. It’s still on the TODO list, may be focused in the near future if any opportunity available.
Do you have a projected date we can look for it to be fixed?
Hi Jake,
I’ve gotten the news from our team and sorry to say that the Enum types of BirdsEye and BirdseyeWithLabels may will be removed from the version 10.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Is the reason for that available? Did Bing stop supporting that mode?
Hi Jake,
The main reason is that we can’t get the Birdseye imagery from the Bing Maps REST service. We can only retrieve metadata about Birdseye imagery from the REST services.