Hi Yale
Thanks for the response.
I've attached a sample image to this reply. Unfortunately the shapefile is 18MB, which is apparently too large to attach. The areas of interest are the intersections of the yellow and blue roads.
The value style I'm using is:
var valueStyle = new ValueStyle();
valueStyle.ColumnName = "CLASS";
var mr = (LineStyle)LineStyles.MajorRoad2.CloneDeep();
mr.InnerPen.Color = GeoColor.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 32);
valueStyle.ValueItems.Add(new ValueItem("M", mr));
var hw = (LineStyle)LineStyles.Highway2.CloneDeep();
hw.InnerPen.Color = GeoColor.SimpleColors.Blue;
valueStyle.ValueItems.Add(new ValueItem("N", hw));
I add that style to the CustomStyles collection for my road layer (ShapeFileFeatureLayer) and then add the layer to the static overlay. I'd like to achieve something that's closer to the way google handles the same intersections (see 2nd screenshot).
Sameshan Perumal