Hi guys,
I was pleased to see you are now supporting WMS 1.3 in the 6.0 release. I have been using a workaround to enable access to WMS servers using that version. However, I believe there is a bug generating the request string that gets sent to the WMS server.
I am testing with a WMS server that supports only two coordiate systems, WGS 84 (SRID=4326) and UTM 83 Zone 15 (SRID=26915). If I set the Crs property on the WMSRasterLayer to "EPSG:4326" and Map Units to decimal degrees all is well. But if I try to set the Crs property to "EPSG:26915" (Map Units to meter) the layer does not display properly.
The problem appears to be in the RequestString that is generated by the ThinkGeo codebase. In particular it appears that the part of the string requesting the Bounding Box is incorrectly formatted. For example, when requesting an image with SRID=26915 (Crs="EPSG:26915") the portion of the RequestString requesting the bounding box is as follows:
If I change this portion of the string to the following, everything works fine:
What I have done is to reverse the x and y coordinates which corrects the string which should read, in general:
BBOX=<mixx>MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY<miny><maxx> <maxy></maxy></maxx></miny></mixx>
I have attached a sample project.
WMS_Layer_Test.zip (19.6 KB)