i got the following code
//install basic map properties and service
InMemoryFeatureLayer layer_zoom = new InMemoryFeatureLayer();
DataManager manager = new DataManager(
new ThinkGeoClassLibrary.DataModels.QueryRequest
(new ThinkGeoClassLibrary.DataModels.QueryActionStatement(
"SELECT * FROM ModCreatedGeoEntity")));
Feature[] features = manager.GetResult() as Feature[]; // this gets 5 features which are corrently inside the database
//InMemoryMarkerOverlay markerOverlay = (InMemoryMarkerOverlay)mapControl.CurrentMap.CustomOverlays["MarkerOverlay"];
//for each feature
Random random = new Random();
foreach (Feature feature in features)
//markerOverlay.Features.Add("test_" + random.Next().ToString() , feature);
the following code works fine by loading the features into the edit layer
but when i uncomment the markerOverlay, CreateMarker(); & comment the editlayer it doesnt show anything , the CreateMarker() contaning the sample code from websamples.thinkgeo.com/ => Markers => add marker
i am propebly missing something basic here , not sure what exacly