I am in the process of upgrading our product to version 10 - we are currently using 9.
It is not possible to use NuGet in our project, so I got all the assemblies by using NuGet in a new project, and copied them to the real project.
I can build and run the new project, but I can not build and run the actual project.
I did fix all the compile errors, but at run time I get a PathTooLongException that looks a lot like a license issue.
When I open the product center app, I can see that I have an activated license on the machine.
It happens as the WpfMap is initializing - before adding any content.
Can you help me? Am I doing something wrong regarding licensing? - I know you changed some things.
Best regards
at System.IO.PathHelper.GetFullPathName()
at System.IO.Path.LegacyNormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
at System.IO.Path.NormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path)
at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler
1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
at cSQ=.2yQ=.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, Boolean recursive)
at ohM=.yhM=.1RM=(String licenseFileExtension, String searchPattern)
at ohM=.yhM=.zhM=()
at ohM=.yhM=.0hM=()
at ohM=.XRQ=.YxQ=()
at ohM=.XRQ=.YhQ=(Boolean needToShowProductCenter)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.ValidatorHelper.CheckStatus()
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.ValidatorHelper.CheckObjectIsNotNull(Object parameterObject, String parameterName)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.Matrix.SetMatrix(String id, Double cellWidth, Double cellHeight, RectangleShape boundingBox, MatrixReferenceCorner referenceCorner)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.Matrix…ctor(String id, Double cellWidth, Double cellHeight, RectangleShape boundingBox, MatrixReferenceCorner referenceCorner)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.Matrix…ctor()
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.TileMatrix…ctor(String id, Double scale, Int32 tileWidth, Int32 tileHeight, GeographyUnit boundingBoxUnit, MatrixReferenceCorner referenceCorner)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.MapSuiteTileMatrix…ctor(Double scale, Int32 tileWidth, Int32 tileHeight, GeographyUnit boundingBoxUnit)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.MapSuiteTileMatrix…ctor(Double scale)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.FileBitmapTileCache…ctor(String cacheDirectory, String cacheId)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.FileBitmapTileCache…ctor(String cacheDirectory)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.FileBitmapTileCache…ctor()
at slM=.Pxg=.SBg=(GeographyUnit mapUnit)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Wpf.WpfMap.set_MapUnit(GeographyUnit value)