I hope to use the new "LegendAdornmentLayer" MapSuite 5.0 by searching "ImageStyle" in the layers of the Map.
So I have two questions about the style "Class Breaks" :
1) how to name each ValueItem "Class Breaks"
With 2.0, It was possible to set a Name (SymbolValueRenderer)
Dim values As New SymbolValueCollection()
values.Add(New SymbolValueRenderer.Value("1", symbol1, "Name 1"))
values.Add(New SymbolValueRenderer.Value("2", symbol2, "Name 2"))
Dim valuesRender As New SymbolValueRenderer("Notes", values)
With 5.0, Is it possible to specify the name of a ValueItem?
2) how to find the ImageStyle for a "Class Breaks" to set the legendItem.ImageStyle. If the style is set as :
Dim values As New Collection(Of ValueItem)()
values.Add(New ValueItem("1", New AreaStyle(contour, New GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.StandardColors.DarkGreen))))
values.Add(New ValueItem("2", New AreaStyle(contour, New GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.StandardColors.LightGreen))))
Dim valuesRender As New ValueStyle("Notes", values)
AddHandler mylayer.FeatureSource.CustomColumnFetch, AddressOf mylayer_GetDataNotes
I can not find the ValueItem of the Class Break on the FeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.CustomStyles.
Is it the right way to proceed ?
Thanks for your help.