I am new to this tool and could really use your help. Thank you for your time.
I have a simple highlight layer that is created as such:
Map1.HighlightOverlay.HighlightStyle = New FeatureOverlayStyle(GeoColor.GeographicColors.Forest, GeoColor.StandardColors.LightYellow, 2)
For Each feature As Feature In BaseStatesLayer.FeatureSource.GetAllFeatures(ReturningColumnsType.NoColumns)
Map1.HighlightOverlay.Features.Add(feature.Id, feature)
'Removed next line as it doesn't do not operate as expected-- throws a json error
'Map1.HighlightOverlay.OnClientClick = "function(map){alert('Client Click.');}"
'Removed next line as it cannot locate asp.net function HighlightOverlay_Click and asks to "raise event"?
'Map1.HighlightOverlay.Click += new EventHandler(HighlightOverlay_Click);
When I click on the highlight, nothing happens. The function Map1_Click only fires when the highlight is not active.
Is there a simple way to interesect the click? I've read through the forums that a client side postback is an option, but I am not sure how to execute this.
Thank you again.