Using ios v13 beta 194 and core v13 beta231 I have a cluster point style set up like this
ps = new CustomPointStyle(pst, new GeoSolidBrush(BrushColor), new GeoPen(PenColor, sgd.PointStyleDescriptor.PenWidth), sgd.PointStyleDescriptor.SymbolSize, sgd, useCustomAnnotations); GeoImage bitmapObject; bitmapObject = MethodHelpers.GetBitmapResource("bluemarker"); PointStyle defPS = new PointStyle { PointType = PointType.Image, Image = bitmapObject, SymbolSize = bitmapObject.Height * 2, YOffsetInPixel = -1 * (bitmapObject.Height / 4) }; ClusterPointStyle clusterPointStyle = new ClusterPointStyle(defPS) { DefaultTextStyle = new TextStyle("FeatureCount", new GeoFont("Arial", 10), GeoBrushes.White) { OverlappingRule = LabelOverlappingRule.AllowOverlapping, XOffsetInPixel = -2, YOffsetInPixel = -13 }, MinimumFeaturesPerCellToCluster = 10 }; clusterPointStyle.CustomStyles.Add(ps);
When I get groups of features together everything is working as it should – blue marker is displaying with the feature count. When I zoom in far enough so that no clusters should be shown I am seeing the PointStyle I defined, however I am also seeing the blue marker image as well. my expectation was that the blue marker image would not show up when the custom style was being used.