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Converting MBTiles Styling

We’d like to use this mapping supplied by Ordnance Survey, it is UK master map in MBTiles format.

However the style is in in a different format to what Thinkgeo expects. Thinkgeo uses StyleJSON. Althought the styling that is supplied with the mapping data is in JSON format the structure is very different. Is there any guidance on how to convert or even a tool that can be used to convert?


Hi Clive,

Yes, our current MBTile support uses a different styling specification. Our product team is working hard the next few months to get our MAUI beta released. Once that’s complete, we have better MBTile support high on our list of new features.

I’m sorry for the delay, but it is high on our priorities.



Thanks for the info. In the meantime we are attempting to hand craft a StyleJSON file for our data to learn more about the structure of the data and how the styles are constructed. Is there a way to get Thinkgeo to provide some information about any render issues it has with the StyleJSON file? Currently it either works or it doesn’t.



Hi Clive,

You can see documentation on how to style using our StyleJSON here. If you want to see some code of converting this style into map styling in OpenLayers, you can also view the open-source Vector-Map project here. It’s an older project that did not get a lot of traction, but it may still give you insight into how the JSON style can be translated into map styles.


Hi @Clive_Hodgson,

I just wanted to update this post in case others find it in a search. ThinkGeo 14.1 has been released with full support for .mbtiles and mapbox style specification. More details can be found here.
