I have created a shape file with Thinkgeo using Lat/Lon Projections. And Now I want to convert it to UTM 17 Projection.
What am I doing wrong ?
Plus I would like to Create a Projection file.
Dim DefaultShapePath As String = "C:\WestVirginia\"
Dim ShapeFileRoad As String = "BRAXTON_StreetOld"
Dim ShapeFileRoadNew As String = "BRAXTON_Street"
Dim utm17Projection As Proj4Projection = New Proj4Projection
utm17Projection.InternalProjectionParametersString = Proj4Projection.GetEpsgParametersString(3747)
utm17Projection.ExternalProjectionParametersString = "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +no_defs"
ShapeFileFeatureLayer.SaveToProjection(DefaultShapePath & ShapeFileRoad & ".shp", DefaultShapePath & ShapeFileRoadNew & ".shp", utm17Projection, OverwriteMode.Overwrite)
ShapeFileFeatureLayer.SaveToProjection(DefaultShapePath & ShapeFileAddress & ".shp", DefaultShapePath & ShapeFileAddressNew & ".shp", utm17Projection, OverwriteMode.Overwrite)
Please Help