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Creating a * .tab file failed

Tell me please. I want to create a * .tab file. Inside the “CalculateCenterPointSample” example in “HowDoISample”, I added the code

//Set the map extent to the censusHousing layer bounding box

var ids = censusHousingLayer.FeatureSource.GetFeatureIds();
Collection<string> databaseColumns = new Collection<string>();
Collection<TabDbfColumn> columns = new Collection<TabDbfColumn>();
Collection<Feature> features = new Collection<Feature>();
foreach(string id in ids)
Collection<string> cols = new Collection<string>();
features.Add(censusHousingLayer.FeatureSource.GetFeatureById(id, cols));
TabFeatureLayer.CreateTabFile(“”, columns, features);

mapView.CurrentExtent = censusHousingLayer.GetBoundingBox();

The program closes, does not work. ((

Hi Serg,

Thanks for the code to recreate the issue. I’ve been able to recreate it and will work on a fix. I’ll keep you posted on the progress.
