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Custom drawing in EditInteractiveOverlay

In our current application, using ThinkGeo Winforms 10.0, we do a lot of custom drawing in DrawCore, overridden in EditInteractiveOverlay. We need to custom draw control points in features being edited. It is easy because a GeoCanvas is provided within the DrawCore procedure.

Now we are upgrading to 14.0 and none of that drawing customization works because no GeoCanvas is provided in the equivalent DrawAsyncCore. Is there a way to make this work?



Hi Steve,

You can override protected override Task DrawTileAsyncCore(GeoCanvas geoCanvas), which is invoked by DrawCore

In v14.2.5 and previous versions, the argument geoCanvs is a SkiaGeoCanvas. In the latest beta and future v14.3, the geoCanvas is a WpfDrawingCanvas. But the APIs are the same.

Have a try and let me know if you see any issues.
