When I add an Overlay to the Overlays collection in the desktop ediution I can add it with a key value to reference it later. I can then use Overlay.Contains(key) to determine if an overlay is part of the collection.
When I add an Overlay to the CustomOverlays collection in web edition, I don't have the ability to specify the key value and so I can't use the Contains method to see if a particular overlay has been added. I'm not sure how to use Contains at all since there isn't a key value.
I can work around this when checking to see if an overlay exists by looping through the overlays and checking the name, which is what I used as the key in the desktop edition; however, if I want to use the CustomOverlays.Remove method, how can I refer to the CustomOverlay I want to remove if it doesn't have a key value? Alternatively, what is used as the key value in the Remove method?