So here is a short history for this. We didn’t have assemblies strong named in Map Suite 2.0 until a user requested that. We then added the strong name and update both of Assembly version and File Version in the Weekly Build but not many days later, some users complains they have the “new assembly not compatible issue”, when sending a new Map Suite Assembly with a bug fixed directly to his customer and want the customer to simply replace the old one to make the app work. From then on we knew that to avoid breaking change, we should never change the Assembly version, and that’s why from Map Suite 3.0, we kept the Assembly Version the same all the time.
Everything goes fine until Map Suite 4.0 is released when many customers asked why the assembly version is Still 3.0, which makes them difficult to force people deploy the latest version. For detail please see here. As a result we have the current strategy: Only update the Assembly Version in the main release, Update File Version and Keep Assembly Version the same in Daily Build. At the same time provide the Non Strong Named version for the users don’t want versioning breaking change. As the Assembly Version doesn’t make too much difference with FileVersion for Non Strong Name Assemblies, we use the same strategy as the Strong Name one (Update Assembly Version every half year) to make it easier for us.
So you can see it is a Compromise trying to meet all kinds of requirements. J We might keep doing changes when new requirement comes.