I have several questions about the deployment of the dlls
Our clients have computer 32bits or 64 bits.
We reference MapSuiteCore.DLL, NetTopologySuite.DLL and GeoAPI.dll in the project.
We need also lti_dsdk.dll, lti_dsdk_cdll.dll, lti_lidar_dsdk.dll,MapSuiteEcwX64.dll,MapSuiteGeoRasterX64.dll,NCScnet4.dll,NCSEcw4_RO.dll,NCSUtil4.dll,tbb.dll.
The problem comes from the dll which have the same name with 64 bits configuration and 32bits configuration as lti_dsdk.dll, lti_dsdk_cdll.dll, lti_lidar_dsdk.dll,NCScnet4.dll,NCSEcw4_RO.dll,NCSUtil4.dll,tbb.dll.
Because some dlls have the same name (32/64), we need to know the config of the computer where our application is installed.
But we don't know when we deploy the dll ....
Question 1 : Is it possible to have a package of deployement for 64 bits and an other for 32 bits for these dlls ?
Is there already a solution to this problem ?
Question 2 : What is the file .msm ?
I hope my post is clear, if it's not don't hesitate to say it and ask me few more questions (... and sorry for my english).
Thanks a lot for your help.