I am getting Lon\Lat from wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim and I had noticed that each overlay uses a different point set of Lon\Lat ?
for exmaple <a id="SampleListTreeViewt51" onclick="javascript:TreeView_SelectNode(SampleListTreeView_Data, this,'SampleListTreeViewt51');" target="content" href="http://websamples.thinkgeo.com/Content.aspx?SampleId=LoadAWmsOverlay&Name=Load%20a%20WmsOverlay" class="SampleListTreeView_0" style="color: red;">WmsOverlay seems to be the most fitting to the Nominatim stardart altough when I use OsmOverlay (which is the one that i want to use) if uses different cords
anyone knows the difference between the 2 or how can I set OsmOverlay or the lan/lot I get to match to each other like they match to WmsOverlay?