Is it possible to display ShapeFileFeatureLayer from zoom level 01 to zoom level 10 in DecimalDegree and OpenStreetMapLayer from zoom level 11 in Meters?
Is it possible to display ShapeFileFeatureLayer from zoom level 01 to zoom level 10 in DecimalDegree and OpenStreetMapLayer from zoom level 11 in Meters?
Hello Inna,
I think it’s possbile, you can use wpfMap1.CurrentExtentChanged and wpfMap1.CurrentExtentChanging event to determine if the zoomlevel reached level 11, then change the wpfMap1.MapUnit.
I tried using this approach but I am getting an error: “The map unit you are using is not compatable with the GoogleLayer. Make sure you are using Meters and that your projection is 90013 to ensure compatability.”
Am I missing something?
What are trying to do exactly? Can you give me more information on your case? this seems to me pretty erratic to have the same map in decimal degrees from zoom level 01 to zoom level 10 and then in Spherical Mercator (meters) from zoom level 11 to 20. Those are two completely different coordinate systems. If you have your ShapeFileFeatureLayer in decimal degrees, why don't you apply projection conversion to it so that it is in Spherical Mercator matching OpenStreetMapLayer? That way you don't have to do some really unorthodox projection changes on the same map based on zoom levels with the complication it implies such as recalculating the map extent from one system to another etc. I guess I need to know more about your case to recommend you the best way to approach the problem. Thank you.