Consider I run the below query in SQL-Server
DECLARE @Geo1 Geometry
SET @Geo1 = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((343051.505889113 439645.512936989,363288.242898239 439441.986429599,363128.802227362 419208.920972383,342804.442634708 419412.853715414,343051.505889113 439645.512936989))',0);
SELECT top 1000 [Id] ,[Geometry] FROM [VisualInventory].[dbo].[BusRouteLine] where [Geometry].STIntersects(@Geo1)=1
the result will have two columns which on of them is Geometry, what's the best way to brings the result to my application and show them?
I have ideas like:
1-convert them to string then convert them back to features and show, but cause the application is a Silverlight application, then I'll need to convert them to JSON Features and convert back again, so does not seems proper.