Hi guys,
I just started getting this exception in one of my layers when I make it visible (sometimes, sometimes it works fine):
Attempted to divide by zero.
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition.TileOverlay.txQ=(Object uBQ=, EventArgs uRQ=)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition.Tile.OnOpened(EventArgs args)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition.Tile.set_IsOpened(Boolean value)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition.Tile.CommitDrawingCore(GeoCanvas geoCanvas, Object imageSource)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition.Tile.CommitDrawing(GeoCanvas geoCanvas, Object nativeImage)
at ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition.Tile.tBM=(Object tRM=, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs thM=)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
I am using version 4.5.142... I'm unsure if its something I'm doing (or not doing) or something internal... just looking to see if you guys have any ideas?