Hi Support Team,
Is it possible to let end users of my mapsuite web edition application to save a selected layer on the map to a shapefile and store it to any chosen storage media e.g. flush disk?
Best Regards,
Download a Shape File
Hi Vincent,
It depends on what kind of the layers you want to store. If it is vector layers then you could get the features through layer.featuresource.getallfeatures(parameters), then write theset featues into a shapefile, here is a link for how to create shapefile for your information:thinkgeo.com/forums/MapSuite/tabid/143/aft/5399/Default.aspx
However, the layers are raster layers like Googlemaplayer, BingmapLayer, WmsLayer, xxxRasterLayer etc. which actually are images, this means they can’t get features and be store into shape files.
Hope it helps,
Hi Summer,
Thank you for the prompt reply. Basically in my case, I will be using vector data and the solution you have offered fits that exactly.
Best Regards,
Hi Vincent,
Good to hear the solution fits for you.
If any other questions, please feel free to let us know.