Does the Silverlight Edition support features such as draggable markers and right-click context menu that are available in the Web Edition?
To drag a marker, I tried using the MouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonUp events on the SimpleMarkerOverlay and the MouseMove event on the Map as follows:
private bool mouseHeldOnMarker = false; // Flag to check whether the user has held a marker using the left mouse buttonprivate Marker currentlyHeldMarker = null; // Marker object to store the marker currently held by the user using the left mouse button
mouseHeldOnMarker =
currentlyHeldMarker =
mouseHeldOnMarker =
currentlyHeldMarker = e.CurrentMarker;
// Update position of the marker
void markerOverlay_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MarkerOverlayMouseEventArgs e)false;null;void markerOverlay_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MarkerOverlayMouseEventArgs e)true;private void Map1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)if (mouseHeldOnMarker && currentlyHeldMarker != null)PointShape newPoint = Map1.ToWorldCoordinate(e.GetPosition(Map1));
When I try to drag the marker, the map catches the mouse down event and pans around. After I release the mouse button and move the mouse, the marker keeps moving around with the cursor because the marker overlay does not catch the mouse up event. I can try fixing it but might still end up being messy.
Would you be able to provide some sample code to implement those features if they are not already available?