I developped the gis module to draw features with holes. basically each time the user draw a new feature i check :
- if the new feature is inside an existing one I draw the difference between them
- if the new feature contains an existing one I draw the difference between them
- if the new feature intersects an existing one I draw the union between them
I use some method provided by the core assembly
bool Contains(Feature targetFeature);
bool IsWithin(Feature targetFeature);
bool Intersects(Feature targetFeature);
MultipolygonShape Union(Feature targetFeature);
MultipolygonShape GetDifference(Feature targetFeature);
I did all this work in the server side with the OnTrackShapeFinished event. The problem is that each time the user draw something, a postback occurs so that the background (google map in my case) refreshes, the editlayers refreshes as well.
My question is : can I do that entirely in the client side. do you provide the same control as the server side?
Thanks in advance.