I'm attempting to create a (server-side) PDF with the current map image included. I'm using the PdfSharp and PdfExtension for this.
This works fine for normal vector layers, but I cannot seem to get my WMS to being drawn onto the PDF.
First of all, I create a new WmsRasterLayer, as WmsOverlay doesn't have a Draw method, transfer the server URI and all parameters from the overlay to the layer object, and set its OutputFormat and Crs to correct values. Then I call the WmsRasterLayer Open method, call its Draw, and finally call Close.
All seem to work, but the WMS image never appears in my PDF page.
I've used Fiddler when debugging, and it seems that the WmsRasterLayer.Draw method never issues any GetMap requests to the server, which would explain the missing imagery.
But why is this ? What am I doing wrong ? Are there any special pitfalls here when dealing with WMS ?
I'm aware of the recent thread (gis.thinkgeo.com/Support/DiscussionForums/tabid/143/aff/12/aft/9898/afv/topic/Default.aspx) and the samples, but neither touches on WMS.
Please advise me on how to proceed.