I am having a problem loading a particular geometry from Oracle:
The geometry is a geometry collection comprised of a Point and Polygon.
Both the point and polygon work in isolation, as does geometry collection of many polygons or many points (multipoint).
But not Point and Polygon…
Error message mentions curves/circle but polygon doesn’t use that.
throws an error:
“The Curve and Circle are not supported in this feature”
at OracleApiWrapper.OracleFeatureParser.GetOracleFeatureWkb(SdoGeometry geometry)
at OracleApiWrapper.OracleApiWrapper.GetFeature(OracleDataReader dataReader, IEnumerable1 columnNames) at OracleApiWrapper.OracleApiWrapper.GetAllFeatures(IEnumerable
1 returningColumnNames)
Here is the offending geometry from Oralce as WellKnownText:
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (140.269075 -28.1513119992145), POLYGON ((140.101255 -27.862391, 140.109588 -27.862388, 140.109588 -27.856833, 140.112366 -27.856833, 140.112366 -27.815052, 140.148988 -27.815052, 140.148988 -27.798386, 140.182325 -27.798386, 140.182325 -27.797111, 140.190141 -27.797111, 140.190141 -27.794333, 140.195697 -27.794333, 140.195697 -27.792944, 140.20403 -27.792944, 140.20403 -27.787388, 140.205419 -27.787388, 140.205419 -27.779055, 140.198991 -27.779055, 140.198991 -27.765055, 140.215658 -27.765055, 140.215658 -27.748388, 140.248991 -27.748388, 140.248994 -27.715055, 140.265658 -27.715055, 140.265658 -27.681833, 140.279027 -27.681833, 140.27903 -27.887388, 140.101255 -27.887391, 140.101255 -27.862391)))
It is worth noting that if I put the above well known text into Feature.CreateFeatureFromWellKnownData(wkt) it works and I can then call GetGeoJson() on the Feature and I get the composite Point+Polygon feature that I expected.
Is there a trick to getting GetAllFeatures to work for this shape?