Hi MapSuite Team.
Congratulations for your great job. In past days i've downloaded the source code MapSuite Explorer for Desktop Edition today i try to run it from the develop environment and throws me this error:
{"No se puede cargar el archivo o ensamblado 'NetTopologySuite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f580a05016ebada1' ni una de sus dependencias. El sistema no puede hallar el archivo especificado.":"NetTopologySuite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f580a05016ebada1"}
(in english it says that can't found the file or assembly) it happens for the "Mainform.Designer.cs" instruction :
this.winformsMap1 = new ThinkGeo.MapSuite.DesktopEdition.WinformsMap();
Don't know what could be wrong i set the references to the DLLs (MapSuiteCore and DesktopEdition) in the mapsuite installation and the NetTopologySuite is in the same directory and has the version indicated in the error message, also i add the reference to NetTopology but it didn't work (so i removed the reference) i read in other thread something about the MapExplorer was developed with the Services Edition is it the error's origin?