Hello ThinkGeo,
I get the following error if I try to get features according to the mouse position by calling your getFeaturesWithinDistance() method on a projected layer.
You can recreate the error If you modify your "Find features within distance" sample by adding the following code. Click on the map near to the margin of your World-Map to get the error.
'Dim worldLayer As New ShapeFileFeatureLayer("..\..\SampleData\Data\Countries02.shp")
Dim worldLayer As New ShapeFileFeatureLayer("..\..\SampleData\Data\alk-flurstueck-objekt.shp")
Dim oProj4 As New Proj4Projection(31467, 4326)
worldLayer.FeatureSource.Projection = oProj4
How can I avoid this error?
1698-ALK.ZIP (235 KB)