I downloaded another sample and tried to run it.
I get following error altough my Map Suite is activated. (see attached image)
"The evaluation edition has not been installed on the machine, please go to Map Suite Product Center to start evaluation or activate it."
What is happening?
Evaluation not installed error when activated?
Hi Jakub,
In general, the correct steps should be like this:
- Active the product. Here is Web Edition for you.
- Download the full dll packages. After the downloading, we can see the downloaded full dlls under the the folder like installationFolder/MapSuite 8.0/Map Suite Web/Full Release 8.0.0.xxx/
- Download the online samples and open it in VS.
- Change the sample references to the Full dll packages we just downloaded in step 2.
Would you please double check if the sample references toward to the full map suite dlls?
If the issue persists, please list your steps and show us your ‘Map Suite Web’ folder files structure.
That does not make much sense.
The reference was pointed to
C:\Program Files (x86)\ThinkGeo\Map Suite 8.0\Map Suite Services\Current Version\Managed Assemblies\MapSuiteCore.dll
which is where it was installed through the product center. The sample did not work.
When I manually mapped the reference to a downloeded WebEditionFull8.0.0.59DllPackage folder in Temp folder the sameple worked.
I see it. By default, the online samples are referring the core dll to Map Suite Services and in your end, the Map Suite Edition’s core dll is still under evaluation. So we need to change MapSuiteCore.dll referring to the Web Edition dlls’ rather than using the Map Suite Services by default.
In general, after downloading the online sample, changing all the map suite dlls(including core) to refer the activated product dlls should be fine.
Hope it helps.