I am a newbie but I am really struggling to understand all the event handlers for the WinformMap and Overlays in the Desktop edition. Right now I am just trying to determine if the mouse has been clicked and or dragged within a "MiniMap" adornment layer so that I can pan the winformsMap control according to the scale. However, I don't seem to have the correct event handler since the debugger never enter the handler I have defined. I am totally confused my all the different handler for MapMouseClick, InteractiveOverlay MouseClick, EditInteractiveOverlay MouseClick, etc. Is there a good sample application that illustrates how to use all the different events?
On a separate complaint, I find the API documentation to be much too brief and incomplete. Some classes don't even have a summary entry for more than half the items. I know it should all be obvious based on the inheritance and naming conventions but most of the comments are so brief the newbie like me doesn't a clue what anything is supposed to do or how to use it. Is there any getting started or tutorials that go into more depth on the meaning and use? It is nice to have a tool with many features but if only the experts can use them then the tool isn't very useful.