I am currently trying to export maps (without displaying them on the screen) that include a bingmapslayer using the gdiplusgeocanvas and the Layer.Draw() method. This seems to work wonderfully for about half the maps i do, but for the other half I see half drawn tiles (i am using single tile) on the bingmapslayer, or my point layer will be off by a couple hundred miles from where the bing layer is, putting points in oceans and other countries occasionally. I do not have these issues when i do not use the bing maps overlay and use shapefiles instead. It looks to me as almost if the binglayer is still panning/zooming to my extent when the rendering process occurs for the bitmap. Does anybody know of a way that wait for the binglayer to catch up before I end drawing on my geocanvas, or know any other clues to what is going on? I can try to come up with some snippets of code to show what I am doing for clarification if neccasary.